·         Readability


Since ruby has small number of keywords, reading and understanding a program written in ruby is simple. Also, blocks in ruby can start with “begin” or “{” and finish with “end or “}”, this block structure increases the readability of the scripting language. Furthermore, the automated variable declaration affects the readability of the scripting language since the user doesn’t knows the datatype. Also, only a small set of primitive constructs can be combined Since ruby has small number of keywords, using this we can say that ruby is an readable scripting language.


·         Writability


Ruby has three levels of access they are Public, Private, Protected, which helps the developer to design a good script based on the level of access. Also, ruby is object oriented, and it has encapsulation, therefore it supports information hiding which improves the writability of the scripting language.


·         Reliability


Ruby has its exception handling which other two scripting languages were lacking, presence of exception handling increases the reliability of the scripting language. Unlike other scripting languages ruby has a special mechanism of converting types. Which provides an indirect form of type checking, that increases the reliability of the scripting language.


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